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Hymn: Crooked wall and crooked people
Hymn: Crooked wall and crooked people
by Andrew Pratt
Crooked wall and crooked people, Amos pointed out the fact, called by God to hold a plumb-line, testing thought and word and act. Were they upright, understanding? Did they live by love and grace? Were they fair in all their dealings? Had God's loving left a trace? Verse 3 follow
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging
by Andrew Pratt
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging to sign God's love amid the sons of men, then, with the women, everyone is singing that God will never turn away again. Yet Amos blew the whistle on God's people, a prophet in a time of greed and need, self-righteousness as high as any
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